Why Does A Shark Grow New Teeth?

Answer: New teeth grow continuously inside shark’s mouth discarding the old ones and renewing them immediately. Therefore, sharks do not have a particular reason to grow new teeth, but they do it all their life going through thousands of teeth during their lifetime....

Why Sharks Attack Humans?

Answer: Scientists think that most of the shark attacks on humans are due to mistaken identity. Observations proved that surfers on surfboards resemble the image of a sea lion a sea turtle or a seal when seen from the bottom of the ocean, making sharks curious to test...
Great White Shark

Great White Shark

Great White Shark – Carcharodon carcharias Introduction The legendary great white shark is a cartilaginous fish that has caused fear and admiration for many years. It is considered one of the biggest predators of the oceans and the fiercest, but there is more...

How Does Great White Shark Attack?

Answer: Great white sharks start their attack using their extraordinary senses like the electrosense, which allow them to detect prey from long distances. Later great white sharks use their smell and hearing to further verify that the prey is eatable. At the end,...