Tiger Shark

Tiger Shark

  Photo taken by Albert Kok Tiger Shark – Galeocerdo cuvier It is the only living species of the genus Galeocerdo and is also known as sea tiger, but it should not be confused with another species called leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata). It is called...
Whale Shark

Whale Shark

Whale Shark – Rhincodon typus The whale shark is a giant of the oceans: the dimensions of its body gives it the title of the largest fish in the world and therefore, also the biggest shark. It is the only member of the genus Rhincodon. It belongs to the order...
Great White Shark

Great White Shark

Great White Shark – Carcharodon carcharias Introduction The legendary great white shark is a cartilaginous fish that has caused fear and admiration for many years. It is considered one of the biggest predators of the oceans and the fiercest, but there is more...
Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead Shark

Family Sphyrnidae Introduction to Hammerhead Shark Even if you struggle to keep various species of sharks clear in your mind from the rest, this is one that you will easily remember. They have the unique shaped head that has made them such a fascinating to experts as...
Prehistoric Sharks

Prehistoric Sharks

Facts about Prehistoric Sharks Long before dinosaurs walked the Earth, sharks were roaming the oceans. Their legacy has been traced back at least 420 million years which is quite amazing. They have been able to evolve as needed to continue surviving. If you have seen...
Types of Sharks

Types of Sharks

Some types of Sharks Shark Species Great White Shark Tiger Shark Whale Shark Bull Shark Hammerhead Shark Goblin Shark Mako Shark Blue Shark Lemon Shark Basking Shark Megamouth Shark Prehistoric Sharks There are many species of sharks found in the oceans around the...